In Georgia, there are strict laws designed to keep underage students from consuming alcohol. On a whole, people understand that alcohol will still show up on campus regardless. It is also hard to dissuade underage students from drinking. Still, the charges your...
What is a TADRA suspension for an underage DUI in Georgia?
Getting a driver’s license is an exciting time for Georgia teens. There is a profound sense of freedom with being granted the responsibility to get behind the wheel and travel without needing to rely on another person. Still, there are dangers with new drivers....
The physical and legal consequences of vaping alcohol
Many young people are always looking for new and more efficient ways to get drunk. One of these involves vaping alcohol. This can be done with a vape pen or more elaborate alcohol vaporizers. If you vape alcohol, it goes directly to the lungs rather than through the...
Georgia lawmakers consider requiring IIDs for first-time DUIs
A bill currently being considered by the Georgia Senate would require anyone convicted of a DUI for the first time to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on any vehicle they drive for six months. Under current Georgia law, only those convicted for a...
Proposed law would give judges more discretion with DUIs
Under Georgia law, people who are convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or who plead guilty to it have their driver's licenses suspended. So do those who are found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol. However, judges have the power to allow...
Don’t say the wrong thing during a DUI traffic stop
A traffic stop for suspicion of driving under the influence is nothing to take lightly. Even if you're sober, it's not a good time to say or do the wrong thing, because the wrong approach can lead to serious consequences. Many people struggle to find the right thing...
What penalties can your child face for a DUI?
Your teen had been dreaming about getting their driver's license for years. You logged countless hours with them in the car preparing for their road test. They know the rules of the road forwards and backwards. Then they did something they swore to you they would...
How do you stop someone from driving under the influence?
Too often, people end up getting arrested for driving under the influence because they felt they were better able to drive than a friend who had consumed even more alcohol. However, you should never prevent a friend from driving drunk by taking the wheel yourself if...
Hawks player injured by alleged drunk driver
Driving under the influence can have serious criminal ramifications as well as civil penalties if a drunk driver injures someone in a crash. A 54-year-old Georgia man was charged with DUI less safe after a crash on Jan. 15 in Brookhaven that injured Atlanta Hawks...
Tips for a ‘dry’ Super Bowl Sunday
If you're facing a DUI charge, you may have decided -- as many people do -- that this was your wake-up call to stop drinking. Maybe you first committed to "Dry January" and have decided to keep going. However, one of the biggest challenges to many Americans' sobriety...