Residents of Georgia might be interested in a recent article in which activists say that the representation of people of color in the court system affects outcomes. There is racial disparity in the judges and prosecutors who are supposed to safeguard the rights of all...
How to handle a minor in possession charge
Georgia law generally forbids an individual who is under the age of 21 to consume, possess or attempt to possess alcohol. Those who are charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol, or MIP, may be encouraged to remain silent and ask for an attorney. Anything...
How to help a child who has an alcohol problem
Parents in Georgia and elsewhere who are concerned that their teens may have a substance abuse problem are encouraged to seek help as quickly as possible. Teens who drink alcohol may have sudden mood changes, hang out with new friends or generally stop caring about...
What is “deepfake” evidence?
The notion of "deepfake evidence," which is evidence doctored by artificial intelligence, is not something from a science-fiction novel. Such falsified evidence can appear in a Georgia courtroom and, for that matter, anywhere in the world. Thanks to advancements in...