For many Georgia college students, financial aid means the difference between being able to pay for school and having to explore alternative options. There are several things your college student may do that threaten his or her financial aid eligibility, however, and receiving a conviction for a drug charge is among them.
Right now, any college student who uses federal financial aid and receives a drug conviction stands to become ineligible for financial aid for at least a year, and possibly forever.
Losing financial aid eligibility
Any type of drug offense may lead to a loss of financial aid. Your child has to apply for aid again each year to use it. During the application process, he or she must answer questions about any drug convictions received within the past year. If your college student reports receiving a conviction for drug sales, drug possession or something similar, this may hinder financial aid eligibility.
Regaining financial aid eligibility
Should your son or daughter lose access to financial aid, there are several actions that may allow him or her to get it back. Passing two surprise drug tests offered by an approved provider is one way to regain financial aid eligibility early. Completing a program offered through an approved provider is another.
If your child decides to work toward regaining financial aid eligibility through one of these methods, be sure to notify your financial aid office once he or she does so. That way, if he or she is eligible for any remaining financial aid that year, your child may still be able to use it.