Everyone makes mistakes, but if a lapse in judgment results in your arrest for drug possession, it’s critical that you take the steps necessary to protect your legal rights.
The strategy you use to fight drug possession charges depends on the circumstances of your case, such as the type of substance, amount and potential consequences.
Here are three of the most commonly used drug possession defense strategies:
- The drugs don’t belong to you: This is best used in a situation in which police did not find the drugs on your body. For example, if they searched a car you were riding in, but owned by someone else, you can argue that you had no knowledge of the drugs.
- Illegal search and seizure: Police can’t do whatever they want in regard to searching for drugs. If an officer breaks down the door of your apartment and searches without a warrant, any evidence they collect may be dismissed by the court.
- The drugs were planted: Take, for instance, the average high school student who has people who don’t care for them. Someone could plant drugs, such as in a school locker or vehicle, and then alert the authorities.
You should never assume that drug possession charges will result in a conviction. If you take this stance, you’re more likely to overlook a defense strategy that can help you avoid punishment or at the very least minimize the consequences on your life.
There are many ways to fight drug possession charges. You need to compare your options and focus in on the one that best suits your circumstances.