Sex crimes carry some of the stiffest penalties of any conviction, a truth demonstrated clearly in the recent sentencing of a former Cobb County official. The man, a former county political party leader, now faces a life sentence for several instances of child molestation.
According to court documents, the man admitted that he had repeatedly engaged in illegal sexual activity with minors between 2004 and 2011. The admission came as a surprise, as it was given in the middle of a pretrial hearing and was not an expected component of the man’s defense.
The man received a life sentence, and must serve at least 30 years of the sentence in prison. At 72 years old, it is highly likely that he will live out the rest of his life behind bars.
If you or someone you know faces sex crime charges, you must seek out the strongest defense you can find. Even if you believe that you are guilty of the charges, the punishment handed down by a court may not truly be in your best interests. Because of the public stigma surrounding sex crimes, sentences tend to be very harsh, and prosecutors know that they can bolster their career by throwing the book at sex crime suspects.
Regardless of your guilt or innocence of the charges, you have rights that must remain protected. Without a proper, professional defense, you may find yourself unfairly punished by an overzealous jury or judge, encouraged by an ambitious prosecutor. With proper legal counsel, you can rest assured that your rights remain protected regardless of the nature of the charges against you.
Source: Springfield News-Sun, “Former GOP county leader in Georgia gets life sentence for child molestation,” Meris Lutz, June 19, 2017