When a person learns that they are under investigation for some manner of sex crime, with officers searching their home, or seizing their electronic devices, it’s understandable how they will feel incredibly worried about the road ahead. Indeed, those convicted of sex crimes here in Georgia face not only lengthy prison sentences, but other consequences that will last long after any prison sentence is served.
These lasting consequences are perhaps best personified by the state’s sexual offender registry, which dictates that individuals must provide law enforcement officials with their personal information, submit to photographs, fingerprints and other identifying exams, and supply regular updates on their location — or face serious criminal charges.
Our blog will start taking a closer look at the some of the more stringent requirements of the sexual offender registry here in Georgia. Such an examination, however, must be prefaced by a discussion of who’s required to register under state law.
Sexual offenders
Those people who are convicted of criminal offenses against minors or any “dangerous sexual offense” in Georgia, as well as anyone convicted of these same offenses in other states, or in accordance with federal law, tribal law or the Uniform Code of Military Justice are labeled sexual offenders and required to register.
As for what constitutes a dangerous sexual offense, this includes a host of enumerated sex crimes, including aggravated sexual battery, rape, computer pornography and child exploitation, obscene telephone contact, etc.
Sexually dangerous predators
Those people who are designated by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at a high risk of reoffending (i.e., committing another dangerous sexual offense) and those designated sexually dangerous predators from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 2006, are labeled sexually dangerous predators and required to register.
The distinction between sexual offenders and sexually dangerous predators matters, as the latter are subject to more stringent reporting requirements and far less likely to ever be able to remove their name from the registry.
We’ll continue this discussion in future posts, including looking at the type of information that must typically be provided by those subject to registration requirements.
In the meantime, consider speaking with an experienced legal professional as soon as possible whether you are under investigation or have already been arrested for any manner of sex crime.